- 01-27數字特性人物2014年每日之愛情運指數
- 01-27馬年特性數字發財秘笈
- 07-02每月運程 - 2013年7月 0-9號人 運程
- 06-29June Ho 緣份俱樂部正式開幕
- 03-29「恐怖在線」最後一期:延續篇
- 02-09恭喜發財,新春快樂!
- 02-06轉姐第二場答謝網友講座完滿結束
Figures is often around us, and it can reflect our lives. Just like a mirror. When you can get the hidden information, you can predict the future.
Incredibly? In fact, Commentary figures have been popular in the west as predicted for many years. This is readily receiving recognition in the market. June Ho with its quasi-divine figures forecast, famous in Hawaii. She was interviewed by the local TV, and even the mayor are exceptionally awarded certificate to her. Visible the power of commentary figures!
I believe many people can attest, the journey of our life is rarely flat, but every obstacle can be solved by help and hope. - June Ho
聽起來很不可思異嗎?其實運用數字作預測工具已流行於西方多年,其認受性是不用懷疑的。轉姐June Ho 憑著其神準的數字預測,揚名於夏威夷,不單受當地電視追訪,甚至連市長都破例頒授其獎狀,可見數字論命的威力!
相信很多人都能證實,我們生命的旅程很少是平坦的,但每個障礙都可以透過幫助和希望來克服。 - June Ho(轉姐)